The Add-in User Interface

When the Outlook Add-in is installed on a user’s workstation, the Meeting Room Manager menu will display in their Outlook Toolbar.



The Meeting Room Manager Menu


The Meeting Room Manager menu offers several key options:




The Meeting Room Manager Tab


In the Outlook Calendar, when selecting New to begin a new appointment, an MRM Tab appears alongside the Scheduling Assistant.  The Meeting Room Manager menu is also available.



Selecting the MRM Tab in a new Outlook appointment takes you to the MRM Add-in form, and the MRM Reservation Grid will display.



The selected time will be highlighted on the Reservation Grid with a green line indicating the start time and a red line indicating the stop time.  Other MRM reservations display and will be color-coded according to the colors and reservation types configured in the MRM Web Client. 


When a resource is selected for the reservation, a new tab is added to the top of the form.



Selecting this tab takes you to “General” tab where the mapped fields are available for the core reservation details.  Any Advanced Service tabs available to the selected location will also display. Simply click the tab to add services to the reservation.



As you are creating a new Outlook appointment, you can toggle between the Appointment tab, the Scheduling Assistant and the MRM tab, allowing you to adjust your reservation to be compatible with both attendee and resource availability.



From within the Appointment window, the MRM menu is still available.  Simply click 'Meeting Room Manager' to access all menu options.